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Bible Church
of Stuttgart
2017 Sermons
02.12.2017 "There is Healing Power in Jesus' Name" Acts 3:1-10 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
12.11.2016 "Rejoice, The King has Come" Isa. 7:14, Luke 2:7-15 (Elder Ben Williams)
12.24.2016 "Christ, the perfect Christmas Gift" Isa. 9:6, Luke 2:8-11 and 19:10, 2 Cor. 9:15 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
01.01.2017 "Jesus Christ, the second Adam" Part 2, Gen. 1-2, Rom. 5, 1 Cor. 15 (Elder Ben Williams)
01.08..2017 "A New Year's Resolution to God. Making the New Year count Eternallyl!" 2 Peter 1:1-13 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
01.15.2017 "The Sermon that launched the Church" Part 2, Acts 2:22-37 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
01.22.2017 "Pricked your Heart? What's your Response?" Acts 2:38-41 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
01.29.2017 "Blueprint for a Vigorous Church" Acts 2:42-47 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
02.05.2017 "To be ... and then not to be: like Enoch" Gen. 5:18-24, Jude 1:14-15, Hebr. 11:5-6 (Deacon Nathan Heijermans)
02.19.2017 "When Healing comes in Jesus's Name and the whole World takes notice!" Acts 3:11-26 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
02.26.2017 "Repent or End!" Acts 3:19-26 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
03.05.2017 "Home and Dry - Caught up in the Sky 1 Thess. 4:13-18 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
03.12.2017 "Of All Nations" Matt. 28:18-20 (Bradley T. Farrer)
03.19.2017 "Persecution - Litmus Test of your Faith!?" Acts 4:1-12 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
03.26.2017 "Will they know that you have been with Jesus?" Acts 4:13-22 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
04.09.2017 "Behold your King" Matt. 21:1-11 (Pastor Kai Hoess)
04.02.2017 "Noah and God's Ark" Gen. 6:8 - 7:16 (Justin Overbaugh)
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