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My Salvation story

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am Pastor Kai and I am greatly and undeservedly blessed to serve as pastor teacher - at Bible Church of Stuttgart, Germany.
My life journey is a testament to the transformative power of God's amazing and abounding grace.

I was born into a family marked by one of the darkest chapters in human history. As the grandson of Rudolf Höss, the infamous commandant of the nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, I grew up in an unbelieving family that never talked about our dark past. After finishing school, I trained as a chef, then joined the military, serving with the NATO forces in the UK, following which I studied hotel and tourism management and pursued a career in the hospitality industry, working as a manager for various international 5 star hotel chains, enjoying the extravagant working environment, the material perks and the recognition that came with it. My life’s main purpose was to gratify my own desires, with very little regard for others, nor God for that matter but inside I always felt a deep emptiness.


It was in 1989, during a hotel management assignment in Singapore that I believed in Jesus Christ after hearing a clear presentation of the Gospel - Salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone

(John 3:16-18). What I had found was not a religion, but a living relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

I am still humbled by his amazing and undeserved, free gift of grace that saved a wretch like me, and I am deeply thankful for what Jesus did for me, and not just for me but for all of mankind when He laid down His life for us on Calvary’s cross. Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ is not a reward for the righteous (who is righteous?) but a gift for the guilty – which we all are (Ephesians 2:8-10). Understanding this, has been life transforming, enabling me to overcome the generational ‘curse’ or trauma that has been haunting our family as a result of the horrific sins/crimes against humanity my grandfather committed. I understood for the first time in my life that God loves everyone and that includes me and you. This gave me the desire and capacity to love all people - Jews and Gentiles, believers and unbelievers alike.

Jesus Christ gave my life a new purpose and direction, my motto was no longer “Work hard and play hard” but I was now drawn and convicted by the life-changing, sacrificial love and grace of Jesus Christ. From that pivotal moment forward my heart, with all its vain and selfish desires and worldly values started to be increasingly transformed by the timeless and inerrant truth of God’s Word and His Holy Spirit. – and this transformation continues until today (Philippians 1:6)

In 1992, while on another hotel management assignment in Indonesia, on the island of Bali, God graciously blessed me with my wife Rahma, a native of the island. Rahma trusted Jesus Christ as her Savior shortly after we met, when my best friend’s wife shared the Gospel with her. Since then God has blessed us with four children, Rachel, Sarah, Samuel and Shiloh who have brought much of joy to our lives.

God called me into the ministry back in 2003 when He used us in the planting of Bible Church of Stuttgart, to serve the local English-speaking community. In the role of a teaching elder, I served the Lord under three pastors until God called me into full-time pastoral ministry at BCS in August 2016.

My journey has been exciting, spiritually enriching and often challenging. As pastor, my calling and commitment is to shepherd God's people through faithful, expository teaching and preaching of the full counsel of His Word of Grace. It is my earnest desire to edify and equip God's people for the advancement of His ministry of reconciliation toHis glory.


We are a God-fearing, Christ-centered, Bible-believing Church that desires to exalt Jesus Christ, edify the Saints, and evangelize the lost.   We'd love you to be a part of our church family.

© 2024 Bibelgemeinde Stuttgart e.V.


+49 (0) 174 300 66 32


The Bible Church of Stuttgart meets three Sundays a month at 10:30am

 and one Sunday a month at 14:00 at the following address:

Wilhelm-Haspel-Straße 75, 71065


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